Sunday, January 21, 2007

Quest Log # 7

January 21, 2007
6:50pm-7:50pm CST
Degrees Earned:

Table: Solar Rise
Quest: 17. Botanical Benifits
Mutations: Mutations Mate: 20. Pirates of Plunder
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Rahsa
Inner Circle Members: Bubz (Plymouth, WI), Julie, Monica, and Ouija (Aurora, IL), Rahsa and Big Cheddar (Wasilla, AK)

Quest Summary: Batz and Mutant 13 had left for the night and the rest of us decided to try another HOQ. For the first time ever Rahsa was Table Master. Since we were doing this quest together on-line we decided that we would each pick a plant to research and write a short report about. We posted these reports at the Morton's List: Global Inner Circle website,

I went to the grocery store to purchase and research Star Fruit. Very, very tasty! The other Inner Circle members researched the following plants: Big Cheddar, Sage; Rahsa, Salvia; Ouija, Saguaro Cactus; Monica, Algae; and Julie, Marijuana. We each learned quite a lot about these plants during the quest. A copy of my report is below. Due to the fact that we didn't have to leave our homes during this quest we were not able to actually plunder anything. When I went out to buy the star fruit I forgot about the Mutation. I did, however, end up with plastic bags that I didn't really need.

The Carambola, commonly known as Star Fruit, is distinguished by it's waxy yellow color and five pointed star shaped cross section. It is originally from Sri Lanka and has gained popularity in the Americas. It has a taste that is a combination of pineapple, plum, and lemon. It doesn't contain any large seeds so it can be eaten as is after washing. I think it is a very tasty fruit. It is also low on calories, only 40 per 125 grams.

* Note that I will not be accepting degrees for this quest until I have gotten the required signatures that I need.

Quest Log # 6

January 21, 2007
3:50pm-4:50pm CST
Degrees Earned:

Table: Lore Galore
Quest: 9. Whodunit?
Mutations: -
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Bubz
Inner Circle Members: Bubz (Plymouth, WI), Julie, Monica, and Ouija (Aurora, IL), Batz and Mutant 13 (Knoxville, TN), Rahsa and Big Cheddar (Wasilla, AK)

Quest Summary: We all gathered together in the Horde chat room for a scheduled event affectionately known as the Horde On-line Quest, HOQ. After I won the Table Master roll-off I started out on Morton's List: Revised from 360° and rolled 10 Lore Galore. Then on Lore Galore I rolled 9. Whodunit? Ouija successfully tried to Influence his Second-Calling power but Mutant 13 blocked it with a successful Negate.

So Whodunit? was our quest. After some deliberations during the Winds of Change we settled on doing several on-line mystery games. First we had to escape from the Crimson Room at We gave each other help finding the clues we needed to escape from this crimson colored prison. Then we also tried out the free on-line mystery Murder Without Escape at Ouija was the only one able to solve this mystery as he was able to continue with it after the hour was up. I tried but wasn't able to continue due to the page not being entirely compatible with my web browser. All-in-all I think we all appreciated the challenge of a good mystery.

* Note that I will not be accepting degrees for this quest until I have gotten the required signatures that I need.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Quest Log # 5

January 1, 2007
3:57am-4:57am CST
Degrees Earned:
Table: Solar Rise
Quest: 19. Slakin'
Mutations: -
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Bubz
Inner Circle Members: Bubz, Julie, Monica, Ouija, Ty

Quest Summary: Karma was shining on me during the Tablemaster roll off. I opened up 360° and rolled 15. Mountain and then 24. International Sports. Ouija made two successful PSR's and Influenced a Second Calling. I rerolled on Mountain and received 16. Ariel Adrenaline. After some ill advised suggestions from the Inner Circle and contemplation on my part I deemed this quest to be impractical due to the late hour (sky diving can't be done at night) and lack of equipment to safely conduct the quest in other manners. Postponing the quest was out of the question as we did not know when we'd all be able to meet again. So I went back to Morton's List Revised and rerolled again. A 5. Solar Rise and we had 19. Slackin'.
I decided that we should be as Slothful as possible while doing this quest. After some relaxing conversation and consumption of beverages the Inner Circle soon was ready to retire for the night by the time I called end time.

Quest Log # 4

January 1, 2007
1:15am-3:30am CST
Degrees Earned:
Table: Cosmic Law
Quest: 6. Enforce the Law
Mutations: -
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Ouija
Inner Circle Members: Bubz, Julie, Monica, Ouija, Ty

Quest Summary: The previous night's Flight of the Crow long since banished we decided to try rolling again. This time Ouija was Tablemaster and a Karmic Gathering was in order. This entailed consumption of intoxicating beverages and other substances that will remain unnamed. Karmic Gathering completed Ouija opened up 360° of the Inner Circle to Morton's List Revised and rolled a 16. Mountain. He wasn't feeling this so after a successful Power Strength Roll he did a Boulder Shift, 7. Cosmic Law. Then 11. Backyard Games was rolled. Having previously done this quest he did another PSR and used his Second Calling power. Finally we had our quest 6. Enforce the Law.
Due to our intoxicated state we decided that we should not do anything that might require us to contact law enforcement officials. One of the suggestions listed in the book was to contact McGruff the Crime Dog. Taking this cue we visited McGruff's website, We sent him an email requesting Crime Fighting supplies. I wanted Judge Dredd costumes. This had me and Ouija cracking up but was not used in the email. After this Ouija decided that we should each take turns giving short speeches about what laws we believe should be more strictly enforced and what laws should be changed or made to improve existing enforcement. Ty wanted littering laws enforced. I spoke of improvements needed to enforce handwashing in public restrooms. Julie wanted loitering laws enforced, passing lanes on highways to be only for passing, and people to have license's to become parents. Ouija wanted shoplifting laws more strictly enforced and semi-truck to stay in the slow lanes. Monica wanted 1st degree murder, and Affirmative Action enforced.

Quest Log # 3

December 31, 2006
2:54am CST
Degrees Earned:
Table: -
Quest: Flight of the Crow
Mutations: -
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Julie Ullyott
Inner Circle Members: Bubz, Julie, Monica, Ouija, Ty

Quest Summary: I had gone down to Aurora, IL for the New Years weekend to visit Ouija and Monica. Ty had also come down for the weekend. We went into downtown Chicago on the train to go bar hopping for the night. From Union Station the first bar we went to was Elephant and Castle, a very nice Cheers-like pub and grill with beautiful dark wood bar and paneling. That is where we met Julie. Julie was passing through Chicago on her way to visit colleges in Pennsylvania and New York. She was traveling by herself with all of her earthly possessions in her truck and trailer. We welcomed her to come along bar hopping with us. We went to a cool blues bar called the Red Fish, only a block from the House of Blues. After that we stopped at a dive just down the street. It was there that we started explaining Morton's List to her. Since she didn't have a hotel room she decided to come back with us to stay the night. Ouija, Ty, and I took the train back while Monica rode with Julie in her truck. When we got back we convinced Julie to play a game of Morton's List with us. After an intense round of rolling Julie was made Tablemaster. Unfortunately she rolled a 13 to give us a Flight of the Crow. Not to be detirred by this we decided play a special game of dominos. While we were rolling for Tablemaster the alarm at the car wash across the street went off. Perhaps a forshadowing of the dangers we would have faced had Julie not rolled the Flight of the Crow. A long and exciting night was had by all in any event so the 13 was certainly no harm.