Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Quest Log # 5

January 1, 2007
3:57am-4:57am CST
Degrees Earned:
Table: Solar Rise
Quest: 19. Slakin'
Mutations: -
Deviations: -
Tablemaster: Bubz
Inner Circle Members: Bubz, Julie, Monica, Ouija, Ty

Quest Summary: Karma was shining on me during the Tablemaster roll off. I opened up 360° and rolled 15. Mountain and then 24. International Sports. Ouija made two successful PSR's and Influenced a Second Calling. I rerolled on Mountain and received 16. Ariel Adrenaline. After some ill advised suggestions from the Inner Circle and contemplation on my part I deemed this quest to be impractical due to the late hour (sky diving can't be done at night) and lack of equipment to safely conduct the quest in other manners. Postponing the quest was out of the question as we did not know when we'd all be able to meet again. So I went back to Morton's List Revised and rerolled again. A 5. Solar Rise and we had 19. Slackin'.
I decided that we should be as Slothful as possible while doing this quest. After some relaxing conversation and consumption of beverages the Inner Circle soon was ready to retire for the night by the time I called end time.

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